1) how tall is omos a) 5 ft 1 b) 9 ft 9 c) 30 ft 6 d) 7 ft 3 e) 6 ft9 f) 2 ft 5 2) how many championships does drew mcintyre a) 6 b) 4 c) 3 d) 1 e) 9 f) 7 3) how old is the rock a) 33 b) 100 c) 20 d) 3 e) 59 f) 50 4) how many mid card titles does shinsuke nakamura have a) 2 b) 1 c) 6 d) 4 e) 9 f) 8 5) who vacated the red universel championship the next day a) finn balor b) roman reigns c) rhea repley d) jbl e) kevin owens f) brock lesnar 6) was there ever a nfl player in wwe has 24/7 champion a) no b) yes 7) how many tag belts do the usos have a) 7 b) 22 c) 12 d) 6 e) 8 f) 5 8) how old is all the new day a) 56 78 32 b) 41 36 36 c) 20 20 20 d) 27 34 41 e) 35 41 26 f) 77 66 55 9) when did bray wyatt male wrestler of the year award a) 2009 b) 2012 c) 2020 d) 2019 e) 2017 f) 2015 10) how long did rey mysterio held the wwe championship a) 0 days b) 90 days c) 110 days d) 60 days e) 99 days f) 1 day



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