junk food - is food that is not healthy, because it contains a lot of fat, salt, sugar, etc., and does not contain the things that your body needs., fast food - is food such as hamburgers, which is prepared and served quickly in a restaurant, and which you can take away with you, takeaway food - is food you buy at a restaurant, then take home to eat., staple food - is a basic type of food that is needed and used all the time., cuisine - a particular style of preparing food, which is typical of a country or area, specialty - a type of food that is always very good in a particular restaurant, country or area , delicacy - a rare and expansive kind of food which people think is very good to eat, especially the people of a particular country or area, serve - to give someone food by putting it in front of them, especially at a restaurant or a formal meal, portion - the amount of food that is cooked or prepared for each person (used especially in recipes or on food packaging), serving - an amount of food that is enough for each person, especially one served in a restaurant, bar, etc., helping - an amount of food that someone takes or is given at one time ,
National Cuisine Vocabulary ( Grade 10 )
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