What was something fun you did during the Summer?, What is your favorite coping skill?, If you had to describe your personality as an animal, which animal would you choose?, Pick one student in the class and give them a compliment. What do you like about them?, What is your favorite season? What do you like doing most during that season?, If you were going to be stranded on an island and you could pick one food to eat everyday, one book or game, and one tool, what would you choose?, If you could have any pet, what would you choose?, If you could learn any skill and become AWESOME at it, what would it be?, What was the hardest or most challenging thing you ever did?, What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Toppings?, If you could swim in a pool, river, lake or ocean, which would you choose?, If you could have any super power which one would you choose?, Is the pen mightier than the sword? Why?, If you could throw a pie in the face of one adult, who would it be?, If you could feel less of one emotion, which would it be?, If you could feel more of one emotion, which would it be?.
Coping Skills Wheel
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