You see a few dark clouds in the sky. What might you say?, You ordered pizza. Someone knocks on the door. What might you say?, You are waiting for two friends to come over, Tim and Peter. You hear a knock at the door. What might you say?, Your friends are having a party in their backyard later today It is starting to rain. What might you say?, You’re at a soccer game. It is starting to rain. Your friend says, Do you think they’ll call off the game? (decide not to have the game) What might you say?, You see a very skinny dog on the street. What might you say?, Your friend tells you she hasn’t eaten all day. What might you say?, Your mother-in-law sometimes stops by without calling first. You hear someone knock at the door. What might you say?, You see this from the plane window. What might you say?, You see this guy with this car. What might you say?, You see this picture with this woman. What might you say?.
What might you say? Use Modals: may, might, must, and could
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