My boyfriend is a jerk, I hate watching TV, but my partner loves the news on 1+1 channel., My buddies think that my wife wears pants in my family. But it’s not true!, My partner has put on weight, and now he/she looks like a sea lion, My partner keeps nagging me because I don’t like to clean after myself. But I don’t have to, do I?, People think I am grumpy. But inside my soul I’m just a sunshine, My neighbours make me mad as hell, I don’t sleep enough time because my partner is always snoring loudly, My folks keep asking me when I am getting married. But I am a sociophobe and plan to grow old with 2 cats, raccoon and a ferret somewhere in the woods, I want to lose weight, I can’t cook tasty food, I bite my nails, I hear voices in my head, I don’t sleep enough time, I can’t find pairs for all my socks, I don’t earn enough money, I don’t know what to do for the birthday party, I can’t remember names.
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