Program - A stored set of instructions encoded in a language understood by the computer that does some form of computation, processing input and/ or stored data to generate output., Variables - A way in which computer programs can store, retrieve or change simple data, such as a score, the time left, or the user’s name. , Data - A structured set of numbers, representing digitised text, images, sound or video, which can be processed or transmitted by a computer., Sequence - To place programming instructions in order, with each executed one after the other. , Output - The information produced by a computer system for its user, typically on a screen, through speakers or on a printer, but possibly though the control of motors in physical systems., Input - Data provided to a computer system, such as via a keyboard, mouse, microphone, camera or physical sensors. , Selection - A programming construct in which the instructions that are executed are determined by whether a particular condition is met. , Algorithm - An unambiguous procedure or precise step-by-step guide to solve a problem or achieve a particular objective, Debug - To detect and correct the errors in a computer program. , Decomposing - Breaking a problem into smaller manageable chunks that can be solved separately., Simulations - Using a computer to model the state and behaviour of real-world (or imaginary) systems, including physical and social systems; an integral part of most computer games. ,
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