Nutrients - Chemical substances in foods that nourish the body, Nutrition - The study of components of food and how they are used by the body to sustain life and health., Diet - The food a person normally eats every day, CFNI - The Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, CARPHA (Caribbean Public Health Agency) - The agency that promotes the 6 food groups for a balanced, healthy diet in the Caribbean., Staple Foods - Cereal Grains, Ground Provisions, starchy roots and tubers that are eaten as food, Carbohydrates - Energy-giving nutrient found in Staples and Legumes, Fat - An energy-giving nutrient found in butter, margarine, ghee, avocado, bacon., Visible Fat - fat that can be seen - butter, margarine, oils., Invisible fat - fat in foods that are present, but cannot be seen with the eye., Protein - The nutrient that builds and maintains body cells, Vitamins - Responsible for helping the body fight diseases, and for general health, Water - A substance found in ALL cells, and is necessary to help, Fiber - Not classed as a nutrient, but necessary for digestion., Multimix Principle - A method of planning meals using the Food Groups, Malnutrition - Poor, or bad nutrition that develops over time, Simple Carbohydrates - Easily digested carbohydrates - sugars., Complex carbohydrates - Carbohydrates that the body digests slowly, and supplies energy over a longer period of time, Nutrient Dense Foods - Foods low in calories, but rich in other important nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates, RDA - Recommended Daily Allowances of foods from each food group,
Nutrition and The Caribbean 6 Food Groups
9th Grade
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