The ferocious rabbit chased the fox up the tree., I love seeing the array of colors as the leaves change during Spring., The elderly man is five years older than my fifteen year old sister., It took my grandparents 5 hours to drive to my school from their home in Australia., The chipmunk chased my cat back into the house., If I don’t go shopping soon, I will have many clothes to wear., Since the table was wider than the door, it fit right through., Seeing the sunrise over the ocean reminds me that another day of vacation is coming to an end., If you sleep all night, you might still wake up rested., If you don’t use a fork, you won’t be able to eat your chicken noodle soup., We often observe UFOs in the sky on a clear afternoon., I prefer walking to riding my bike as it is a faster way to travel., It is uncommon for teachers to assign homework or assignments., There are many areas of science including biology, physics and algebra., If I had only remembered to close the refrigerator, the strawberries wouldn’t have frozen., Hearing the thunder was a warning that lightning would soon come., My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because I love having a turkey picnic., My older sister is 5 foot 9, but I am taller now that I am 60 inches., The demure tasmanian devil devoured the sleeping bird., Since I am reducing my sodium intake, I will have the salt and vinegar chips with my sandwich..
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