Weather: , It snowed 12 inches last weekend, Today the sky is cloudy, It has only rained twice this month, For the winter of 2010-2011, Wadesboro received 3.1 inches of snow, Over the course of the day, the barometric pressure dropped, There is a tornado watch, It is 98 degrees outside now, I will have to wear a coat to stay warm today, The lake has three inches of ice on it, Last night the low temperature was 43 degrees, Climate: , NC summers are always warmer than NC winters, Over the past fifty years, the average temperature has never been below 14 degrees in February in NC, In the last 100 years, there has not been a hundred degree day in March in NC, The average yearly snowfall over the past 96 years for Lansing, MI has been 48.8 inches, On average there is more than 3 inches of rainfall in April in NC, NC summers are hot and humid,
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