1) the movement of water between Earth’s surface and the atmosphere a) Water Cycle b) Atmosphere c) Evaporation d) Transpiration e) Condensation f) Precipitation 2) the mixture of gases and dust that surrounds the Earth a) Water Cycle b) Atmosphere c) Evaporation d) Transpiration e) Condensation f) Precipitation 3) the change from a liquid to a gas a) Water Cycle b) Atmosphere c) Evaporation d) Transpiration e) Condensation f) Precipitation 4) the process by which plants release water in the air through their leaves a) Water Cycle b) Atmosphere c) Evaporation d) Transpiration e) Condensation f) Precipitation 5) the change from a gas to a liquid a) Water Cycle b) Atmosphere c) Evaporation d) Transpiration e) Condensation f) Precipitation 6) water that falls from the atmosphere in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail a) Water Cycle b) Atmosphere c) Evaporation d) Transpiration e) Condensation f) Precipitation 7) water that flows over the land surface into other bodies of water a) Runoff b) Groundwater c) Weather d) Climate e) Meteorologist f) Thermometer 8) water that soaks into the soil a) Runoff b) Groundwater c) Weather d) Climate e) Meteorologist f) Thermometer 9) the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and place a) Runoff b) Groundwater c) Weather d) Climate e) Meteorologist f) Thermometer 10) the usual weather in an area (or region) over a long period of time; think of it as the average weather a) Runoff b) Groundwater c) Weather d) Climate e) Meteorologist f) Thermometer 11) a scientist who studies weather a) Runoff b) Groundwater c) Weather d) Climate e) Meteorologist f) Thermometer 12) a tool used to measure temperature a) Runoff b) Groundwater c) Weather d) Climate e) Meteorologist f) Thermometer 13) the measure of how warm the air is a) Temperature b) Rain Gauge c) Wind Vane (weather vane) d) Anemometer e) Air Pressure f) Barometer 14) a tool used to measure the amount of rainfall a) Temperature b) Rain Gauge c) Wind Vane (weather vane) d) Anemometer e) Air Pressure f) Barometer 15) a tool used to measure wind direction a) Temperature b) Rain Gauge c) Wind Vane (weather vane) d) Anemometer e) Air Pressure f) Barometer 16) a tool used to measure wind speed a) Temperature b) Rain Gauge c) Wind Vane (weather vane) d) Anemometer e) Air Pressure f) Barometer 17) the weight of the air above the Earth’s surface a) Temperature b) Rain Gauge c) Wind Vane (weather vane) d) Anemometer e) Air Pressure f) Barometer 18) a tool used to measure air pressure a) Temperature b) Rain Gauge c) Wind Vane (weather vane) d) Anemometer e) Air Pressure f) Barometer 19) weather instrument that measures the amount of humidity in the air a) Psychrometer/Hygrometer b) Stratus Clouds c) Cumulus Clouds d) Cumulonimbus Clouds e) Cirrus Clouds f) Air Mass 20) low, sheetlike gray clouds; some can bring rain a) Psychrometer/Hygrometer b) Stratus Clouds c) Cumulus Clouds d) Cumulonimbus Clouds e) Cirrus Clouds f) Air Mass 21) clouds that have flat bottoms and puffy tops; nice weather a) Psychrometer/Hygrometer b) Stratus Clouds c) Cumulus Clouds d) Cumulonimbus Clouds e) Cirrus Clouds f) Air Mass 22) tall, dark cumulus clouds; thunderstorms a) Psychrometer/Hygrometer b) Stratus Clouds c) Cumulus Clouds d) Cumulonimbus Clouds e) Cirrus Clouds f) Air Mass 23) formed high in the atmosphere and usually made of ice crystals; these clouds are wispy and look like feathers; seen in fair weather, but rainy weather often follows in a day or two a) Psychrometer/Hygrometer b) Stratus Clouds c) Cumulus Clouds d) Cumulonimbus Clouds e) Cirrus Clouds f) Air Mass 24) a large body of air with the same temperature and humidity throughout a) Air Mass b) Front c) Cold Front d) Warm Front e) Stationary Front f) Hurricane 25) a place where two air masses meet a) Front b) Cold Front c) Warm Front d) Stationary Front e) Hurricane f) Current 26) a cold air mass meets and moves under a warm air mass; brings thunderstorms a) Front b) Cold Front c) Warm Front d) Stationary Front e) Hurricane f) Current 27) a warm air mass meets and moves over a cold air mass; brings clouds and light rain a) Front b) Cold Front c) Warm Front d) Stationary Front e) Hurricane f) Current 28) forms when two air masses meet and stop moving; brings lasting rain a) Front b) Cold Front c) Warm Front d) Stationary Front e) Hurricane f) Current 29) a large storm that brings strong winds and heavy rain a) Front b) Cold Front c) Warm Front d) Stationary Front e) Hurricane f) Current 30) a flow of air or water in a certain direction a) Front b) Cold Front c) Warm Front d) Stationary Front e) Hurricane f) Current 31) an air current in the upper atmosphere that flows from west to east a) Jet Stream b) Gulf Stream c) El Nino d) La Nina e) Global Wind f) Prevailing Westerlies 32) a warm ocean current in the Atlantic Ocean that moves warm waters toward the north helping to keep weather along the eastern coast mild a) Jet Stream b) Gulf Stream c) El Nino d) La Nina e) Global Wind f) Prevailing Westerlies 33) an unusual warming of the surface water of the Pacific Ocean near the equator a) Jet Stream b) Gulf Stream c) El Nino d) La Nina e) Global Wind f) Prevailing Westerlies 34) an unusual cooling of the surface water of the Pacific Ocean near the equator a) Jet Stream b) Gulf Stream c) El Nino d) La Nina e) Global Wind f) Prevailing Westerlies 35) moves great distances over the globe; predictable and stable; also called atmospheric circulations a) Jet Stream b) Gulf Stream c) El Nino d) La Nina e) Global Wind f) Prevailing Westerlies 36) winds that occur between 30° and 60° in both hemispheres; blow from west to east; blow towards the poles; global winds a) Jet Stream b) Gulf Stream c) El Nino d) La Nina e) Global Wind f) Prevailing Westerlies 37) a convection current where air flows from sea to land during the daytime; a local wind (land heats up and cools down faster than water) a) Sea Breeze b) Land Breeze c) High Pressure System d) Low Pressure System e) Global Wind f) Jet Stream 38) a convection current where air flows from land to sea during the nighttime; a local wind a) Sea Breeze b) Land Breeze c) High Pressure System d) Low Pressure System e) Global Wind f) Jet Stream 39) a whirling mass of cool, dry air; because cool air is heavy and denser than warm air, it sinks; high pressure brings fair weather, sunny skies, light winds and stable weather; high pressure systems rotate clockwise a) Sea Breeze b) Land Breeze c) High Pressure System d) Low Pressure System e) Global Wind f) Jet Stream 40) a whirling mass of warm, moist air; because warm air is lighter and less dense than cool air, it rises, and then cooler air flows in underneath; low pressure systems bring storms, strong winds, and changing, unstable weather; low pressure systems rotate counterclockwise a) Sea Breeze b) Land Breeze c) High Pressure System d) Low Pressure System e) Global Wind f) Jet Stream 41) The interaction all living things in a area. a) Community b) Organisms c) Population d) Ecosystem e) Habitat f) Biotic Factors 42) Living things. a) Community b) Organisms c) Population d) Ecosystem e) Habitat f) Biotic Factors 43) A group of the same type of organism living in an area. a) Community b) Organisms c) Population d) Ecosystem e) Habitat f) Biotic Factors 44) All the living things in an area and their environment. a) Community b) Organisms c) Population d) Ecosystem e) Habitat f) Biotic Factors 45) A physical place where an organism lives: its shelter. a) Community b) Organisms c) Population d) Ecosystem e) Habitat f) Biotic Factors 46) Living parts of an ecosystem. a) Community b) Organisms c) Population d) Ecosystem e) Habitat f) Biotic Factors 47) Nonliving parts of an ecosystem. a) Abiotic factors b) Producers c) Consumers d) Decomposers e) Herbivores f) Carnivores 48) Living things that make their own food (plants). a) Abiotic factors b) Producers c) Consumers d) Decomposers e) Herbivores f) Carnivores 49) Living things that eat food (animals). a) Abiotic factors b) Producers c) Consumers d) Decomposers e) Herbivores f) Carnivores 50) Break down dead plant and animal matter and return their nutrients to the soil (fungi, bacteria, worms). a) Abiotic factors b) Producers c) Consumers d) Decomposers e) Herbivores f) Carnivores 51) Animals that eat only plants. a) Abiotic factors b) Producers c) Consumers d) Decomposers e) Herbivores f) Carnivores 52) Animals that eat only animals. a) Abiotic factors b) Producers c) Consumers d) Decomposers e) Herbivores f) Carnivores 53) Consumers that eat both plants and animals. a) Omnivores b) Predator c) Prey d) Competition e) Food Chain f) Food Web 54) the animal that gets eaten. a) Omnivores b) Predator c) Prey d) Competition e) Food Chain f) Food Web 55) Organisms fight for resources. a) Omnivores b) Predator c) Prey d) Competition e) Food Chain f) Food Web 56) An animal that hunts another animal for food a) Omnivores b) Predator c) Prey d) Competition e) Food Chain f) Food Web 57) A model that shows how each organism gets energy in an ecosystem. a) Omnivores b) Predator c) Prey d) Competition e) Food Chain f) Food Web 58) A model that shows several different overlapping food chains in an ecosystem. a) Omnivores b) Predator c) Prey d) Competition e) Food Chain f) Food Web 59) One of the Earth’s large ecosystems with its own kinds of climate, soil, flora and fauna. a) Biomes b) Terrestrial c) Aquatic d) Tundra e) Temperate Deciduous Forest f) Grasslands 60) Land a) Biomes b) Terrestrial c) Aquatic d) Tundra e) Temperate Deciduous Forest f) Grasslands 61) Water a) Biomes b) Terrestrial c) Aquatic d) Tundra e) Temperate Deciduous Forest f) Grasslands 62) Moderate rainfall; only biome with four distinct seasons; broad-leaved trees with leaves that change color and lose their leaves in the fall; oak, red bud, maple, dogwood trees; squirrels, deer, foxes and bears - this is where we live! a) Biomes b) Terrestrial c) Aquatic d) Tundra e) Temperate Deciduous Forest f) Grasslands 63) Light rainfall; poor soil; permanently frozen ground (permafrost); few very small trees; mosses and lichens; reindeer, caribou, polar bears, arctic wolves, foxes, hares, lemmings, birds and insects. a) Biomes b) Terrestrial c) Aquatic d) Tundra e) Temperate Deciduous Forest f) Grasslands 64) Low or seasonal rainfall; flat land with tall grasses; large herbivores and burrowing rodents; in Africa they are savannas with bison, antelopes and zebras. a) Biomes b) Terrestrial c) Aquatic d) Tundra e) Temperate Deciduous Forest f) Grasslands 65) Abundant rainfall; tall trees with dense canopies; floor does not get much sunlight; ferns and orchids; orangutans, insects, sloths and jaguars. a) Tropical Rainforest b) Desert c) Taiga d) Freshwater e) Estuary f) Marine 66) Little rain; extremely hot days and cold nights; average temp is 86 degrees; sage brush, cactus; kangaroo rat, snakes, lizards, birds, spiders and insects a) Tropical Rainforest b) Desert c) Taiga d) Freshwater e) Estuary f) Marine 67) Sometimes swampy coniferous forest of high northern latitudes between the tundra and grasslands; cone bearing evergreen trees. a) Tropical Rainforest b) Desert c) Taiga d) Freshwater e) Estuary f) Marine 68) Streams, rivers, lakes, marshes and swamps; found in areas with differing temperatures support a wide variety of animals and plant life. a) Tropical Rainforest b) Desert c) Taiga d) Freshwater e) Estuary f) Marine 69) A place where fresh and saltwater meet; the salt level fluctuates; water is partly surrounded by land with access to open ocean and rivers; contain salt marshes and swampy areas; tide circulates nutrients while removing wastes; remove water pollutants before emptying into the ocean. a) Tropical Rainforest b) Desert c) Taiga d) Freshwater e) Estuary f) Marine 70) Oceans and sea; very high salt content; warmer and have lots of sunlight near the surface but get colder and darker the deeper the water gets; Coral Reefs, tide pools, beaches and the ocean floor contain marine ecosystem. a) Tropical Rainforest b) Desert c) Taiga d) Freshwater e) Estuary f) Marine 71) Heat transfer through direct contact. a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Temperature e) Heat Transfer f) Expand 72) Heat transfer through the movement of a liquid or a gas. a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Temperature e) Heat Transfer f) Expand 73) Heat transfer through empty space. a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Temperature e) Heat Transfer f) Expand 74) The measure of the amount of heat in an object. a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Temperature e) Heat Transfer f) Expand 75) The movement of heat from one object to another. a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Temperature e) Heat Transfer f) Expand 76) To get larger a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Temperature e) Heat Transfer f) Expand 77) To get smaller a) Contract b) Convection c) Radiation d) Expand e) Temperature f) Thermal Energy 78) Heat energy a) Contract b) Convection c) Radiation d) Expand e) Temperature f) Thermal Energy
EOG Science Vocabulary Part 1
5th Grade
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