Personal details (name, age, where you live), School/college/education experience until now, Skills/interests you have which make you right for the job, Related work experience, When you will be available for interview and to work, Request information about the job, Languages spoken, Your experience of working with the public, Reason for wanting to work in France, Which games, sports and activities you could help organise, Your experience of working with young people, How you can contribute to the day-to-day running of the hostel, Your experience of travelling and visiting other countries, You experience of working amongst a team, Your experience of working with children, You experience of working outdoors, A request about the working hours, Any link you might have with a French speaking country, Any questions you may have about the job, Your experience of travelling to and visiting other countries, Your plans for accommodation in France, Other knowledge you have which makes you suitable for this job.
Nat5 Job Application bullet points
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