What's your name?What's your surname? Do you have a nickname?, What do you like to do in your spare time?, Have you ever been abroad? What countries have you visited? or What countries are on your wishlist?, Do you have any pets?If don't, what pet would you like to adopt one day?, What was the last book you read?Can you retell the plot?, Can you cook? Do you enjoy it?, What's If you needed to choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would you choose?, Do you have any siblings? Are you getting along?, Have you ever met a famous person? If don't, who would you like to meet?, How long have you been studying English?, What languages do you speak?, Tell me about a favorite event of your adulthood., What is the most memorable event/moment of your childhood?, What do you usually do on Sundays?, What's something you do well?, Which sports do you like?, Who is your celebrity crush?, Who has had the most influence in your life?, What is your goal in learning English?, Imagine yourself in five years. What is different and what has remained the same?, What jobs have you had?, Describe yourself in 3 words.
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