1) who snaps to kill Thanos? a) captain marvel b) groot c) thor d) hulk e) iron man f) captain America 2) which of the guardians defeat quills father? a) rocket racoon b) peter quill c) groot d) drax e) gamora f) mantis 3) who are "the twins?" a) Pietro and Yondu b) Wanda and Bucky Barnes c) Captain and Bucky Barnes d) Wanda and Pietro e) Bruce and Natasha f) Loki and Thor 4) what is HYDRA? a) a terrorist organization (from the Nazi's) b) a terrorist organization (from America) c) a organization to protect the world 5) who created ultron? a) captain America b) Thor c) Iron man d) Nick Fury e) Maria Hill f) Bruce Banner

the marvel universe



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