Marbury v. Madison - pivotal 1803 U.S. Supreme Court case where for the first time the Court ruled an act of Congress unconstitutional, thus establishing the Court's power of jusdicial review. , Judicial Review - the Supreme Court can rule actions of the President, the Congress, or the States unconstitutional if that actionis in conflict with the Constitution, McCulloch V. Maryland - In this 1819 case, the Supreme Court ruled that the enumerateed powers given to the Congress in Article 1 of the Constitution combined with the "necessary and proper clause" give Congress the power to create a Bank of the U.S. and that no state can tax an agency of the national government, Worcester V. Georgia - In this 1832 case, the Court established that a state does not have any jurisdiction over "sovereign Indian nations" which may lie within the states borders., Gibbons V. Ogden - In 1824, the Supreme Court was asked to interpret Congress' power under the commerece clause of the Constitution.The Court statedthat Congress' power to under the commerrece cause "is complete in itself, maybe excercised to its utmost extent, and knows ko limitations... , Dread Scott v. Sanford - In 1857, the Court ruled that slaves were not citizens and therefore couldn't bring suit in the nation's courts. the court also ruled that just becasue a slave had resided in an area where slavery was forbidden, he was still not free. By this ruling, the court declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.,

Early Court Cases


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