1) Marry is … Kate a) taller than b) the tallest 2) Tim is … than his brother a) the most helpful b) more helpful c) helpfuler 3) Lucy is … girl in our class a) the cleverest b) cleverer 4) This is … tree in the park a) the highest b) higher c) the most high 5) This church is … in town a) the oldest b) older 6) The weather today is … yesterday a) better than b) the best c) gooder than 7) A blue whale is … animal in the world a) the biggest b) the bigest c) bigger than 8) African Elephants are … land animals in the world a) the heavyest b) the heaviest c) heavier than 9) I think German is … English a) the most difficult b) difficulter than c) more difficult than 10) Jim is … Matt a) the funniest b) funnier than c) funnyer than 11) Cricket is … game to play a) the boringest b) the most boring c) more boring 12) Chinese is … language to learn a) the most difficult b) more difficult than c) the difficultest 13) Who's … girl in your class ? a) the prettyest b) prettier than c) the prettiest 14) This is … bike in the shop a) more expensive b) the most expensive c) the expensivest 15) Germany is … Poland a) more large than b) the largest c) larger than 16) Kate is … Lisa a) the youngest b) more young than c) younger than 17) Birds are … animals in the world a) the fastest b) faster than 18) Antarctica is … place in the world a) colder than b) the coldest c) the most cold 19) A lion is one of … animals in the world a) the dangerousest b) more dangerous than c) the most dangerous 20) A rock concert is … a party a) noisier than b) noisyer than c) the noisiest 21) This is … result in the history of our team a) worse than b) the worst c) the baddest 22) Sam is … student in our school a) the most intelligent b) more intelligent 23) Neptune is … planet from the Earth a) further than b) the farest c) the furthest 24) My report this term is … last year a) the best b) better than c) gooder than

Team up 2 plus - comparatives and superlatives


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