The throne is made of stone. , That bone is a shinbone. , The pile is on the stove. , Jane will drive us at five. , Lose 1 point, His smile is like sunshine. , It's a shame the pipe got bent. , Lose 2 points, The name in the red cape had a sale. , Get 2 points, Can Kate spare a dime? , Shut that game with the plastic tape. , Get 3 points, Red grapes on the vine are ripe. , Mom shone with pride when Pete got the prize. , Steve can ride the big wave. , Dave will gripe about the smoke. , Get 1 point, Jane did not stand up on top of the slide. , Lose 1 point, Jake got here quite late, but he had a smile. , Get 1 point, It's not a crime. , Get 2 points.
HARRY POTTER Game cards: a-e, i-e, o-e, e-e phrases and sent.
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