misjudge - to make a wrong or unfair decision about someone, exclaim - to speak suddenly and with strong feeling, propeller - Rotates and powers a boat forward or backward, authentic - genuine; true, grudge - a feeling of resentment, considerable - fairly large in size or extent; worthy of attention, Selection - the process of choosing which sensory information to focus on, collector - n. One who makes a collection, as of objects of art, books, or the like., pamphlet - a small booklet or leaflet containing information or arguments about a single subject., wither - (v.) to dry up, wilt, sag; to cause someone to feel ashamed, humiliated, or very small, Ecosystem - A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment., aquatic - relating to water, terrestrial - relating to the land, Biotic - living, Abiotic - Non-living, Estuary - A habitat in which the fresh water of a river meets the salt water of the ocean., habitat - Place where an organism lives, Organism - A living thing, Population - A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area, Community - All the different populations that live together in an area, Biome - A group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms,
Lesson 20 and Science
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