Living Room: to fold the blankets, to clean off the coffee table, to fluff the pillows, to vacuum the floor, to pick up my things, Kitchen: to wash the dishes, to turn on the garbage disposal, to load/unload the dishwasher, to clean/wipe down the counters, to sweep the floor, to mop the floor, to take out the garbage (recycling, compost), Bathroom: to scrub the tub, to clean the toilet, to clean the sink, to wipe the mirror, to clean the bathroom counter, Bedroom: to make the bed, to put things away / to organize things, to dust, to wash your sheets, Laundry room: to do the laundry, to put clothes in the washer, to put laundry in the dryer, to clean out the lint, to hang clothes on a drying rack, Garden: to do yard work, to rake the leaves, to pick up the sticks, to trim the bushes, to mow the lawn/ cut the grass, to water the flowers/the garden,
Household chores
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Household chores
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