Cheyne-Stokes - Abnormal breathing pattern with moments of hyperventalation, Eupnea - A rate of normal relaxed breathing, Bradypnea - An abnormally slow breathing rate, Tachypnea - An abnormally fast breathing rate, Capillary refill - A rapid test used for assessing the blood flow through peripheral tissues., Rhinorrhea - A thin, mostly clear nasal discharge, Orthopnea - The sensation of breathlessness in the recumbent position, relieved by sitting or standing, Hemoptysis - The act of coughing up blood, Dyspnea - Difficult or labored breathing , Epiglottitis - A small cartilage "lid" that covers the windpipe, Pneumothorax - A collapsed lung, Hemothorax - A collection of blood in the space between the visceral and parietal pleura (pleural space), URI - A self-limited irritation and swelling of the upper airways with associated cough, LRI - Symptoms are cough, fever, and shortness of breath, Pulmonary embolism - A sudden blockage in your pulmonary arteries, the blood vessels that send blood to your lungs, Sleep apnea - A potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts, Tuberculosis - A disease caused by germs that are spread from person to person through the air, Atelectasis - Partial or complete collapse of the lung, Pneumonia - An infection that affects one or both lungs, SARS - a viral respiratory disease caused by corona virus,
Crossword - Resperatory Terms
9th Grade
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