What can be ridden that does not have wheels?, What can be bought at a grocery store that cannot be eaten?, What is made of cloth that cannot be worn?, What can fly that is not a bird?, What is furry but is not a dog?, What is a liquid that cannot be drunk?, What is frozen that is not ice?, What is sticky that is not syrup?, What can melt that is not snow?, What can float that is not a balloon?, What can you see through that is not glass?, What is sharp that is not a knife?, What is loud that is not music?, What can be straight that is not an arrow?, What is light that is not a feather?, What can be grown in a garden that is not a vegetable?, What can sting you that is not a bee?, What can be painted that is not a picture?, What can you sleep on that is not a bed?, What is a pet that does not have fur?, What can soak up water that is not a sponge?, What is a sport that does not use a ball?, What can ring that is not a phone?, What can be brushed that is not hair?, What can be worn that is not clothing?, What can be a home that is not a house?, What can be seen in the sky that is not the sun of clouds?, What can help you see that is not glasss?, What keeps you warm that is not a coat?, What can be delivered that is not a package?.
Exclusion Questions critical thinking mini book
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