misappropriation - misuse, embezzlement, misconceptions - view or opinion that is incorrect, misconduct - unacceptable or improper behavior, mites - insect like organisms which bite or cause irritation to humans, mL - unit of measurement, morning care - hygiene routine provided by healthcare workers, mouth care - daily cleaning of the mouth and teeth, moving - causing or producing motion, mucous membrane - membranes that line body cavities that open to the outside of the body, multiple sclerosis - disease of the brain and spinal cord, musculoskeletal - composed of muscles, bones, joints, tendons and ligaments, gives the body shape and structure, musculoskeletal system - includes bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage with muscles attached, nail care - daily cleaning of the fingernails to prevent infections and complications, nausea and vomiting - feeling an urge to vomit, needles - slender pointed steel instrument to pierce tissue, neglet - failing to give the proper or required care, negligence - failure to behave with the level of care that someone would have exercised, noncontagious disease - disease not capable of being spread from one person to another, nonverbal communication - communication without the words such as gestures and facial expression, nosocomial - infection acquired in a hospital,
CNA Exam Vocab - M#2-N#1 (misappropriation-nosocomial)
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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