Torah - The 5 Books of Moses , Tanakh - The Jewish Bible, Nevi'im נביאים - The Prophets , K'tuvim כתובים - The Writings, The Story of Purim - From K'tuvim כתובים, The Exodus from Egypt - From the Torah , תורה , Kind David and king Solomon - From the Prophets נביאים, תנ"ך - תורה, נביאים, כתובים, 3 parts of Tanakh in English - Torah, Prophets, Writings, Chumash - Torah book, 1st Chumash - Bereshit , 2nd Chumash - Shmot, 3rd Chumash - Vayikrah , 4th Chumash - Bamidbar, 5th - Dvarim, Parasha - Torah portion , Perek - Chapter, Pasuk - Verse , Total parashat in the Torah - 54, Total books in the Tanakh - 39, Bereshit - Genesis, Shmot - Exodus, Vayikrah - Leviticus, Bamidbar - Numbers, D'varim - Deuteronomy,

Tanakh and Torah Structure


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