habitat - the natural home of a plant or animal, diversity - many kinds of plants and animals in a habitat, wetland - a land habitat that is often covered by water, tundra - a very cold, flat habitat near the North Pole, grassland - a large open area of land covered mostly in grass, ecosystem - a community of living things in a habitat that rely on each other, marshes - Marshes can often be found at the edges of lakes and streams. They have plants that look like grasses. Water can cover the ground for a long period of time., swamps - Swamps are areas of land that are permanently covered in water. Swamps have plants that are like trees., What do habitats give to the plants and animals that live there? - food, air, water, and shelter, What are examples of land habitats? - deserts, forests, grasslands, and tundra, What are examples of water habitats? - wetlands, marshes, swamps, rivers, streams, oceans, tide pools, and coralreefs,
2nd Grade
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