1) The 3 types of plate boundaries are a) move away at mid ocean ridges b) divergent, convergent, transform c) epicenter distance to get the direction you need d) create crust 2) divergent plates a) divergent, convergent, transform b) create crust c) move away at mid ocean ridges d) slower, secondary, shake, solid only 3) convergent plates a) come together b) divergent, convergent, transform c) destroy crust d) younger than the rocks they are found in 4) transform plates a) slide (San Andreas Fault) b) older c) faster, first, push-pull through everything d) slower, secondary, shake, solid only 5) Subduction is when a) older b) found over a wide area and existed for a short period of time c) divergent, convergent, transform d) one plate sinks under another forming a trench 6) Mid-ocean ridges a) epicenter distance to get the direction you need b) create crust c) come together d) found over a wide area and existed for a short period of time 7) Trenches a) destroy crust b) older c) slower, secondary, shake, solid only d) one plate sinks under another forming a trench 8) One seismograph can give you a) faster, first, push-pull through everything b) come together c) found over a wide area and existed for a short period of time d) epicenter distance to get the direction you need 9) S-waves are a) slower, secondary, shake, solid only b) come together c) move away at mid ocean ridges d) younger than the rocks they are found in 10) In undisturbed strata, the bottom layer is a) come together b) older c) one plate sinks under another forming a trench d) epicenter distance to get the direction you need 11) Faults, folds & intrusions are a) younger than the rocks they are found in b) destroy crust c) slower, secondary, shake, solid only d) create crust 12) P-waves are a) one plate sinks under another forming a trench b) faster, first, push-pull through everything c) destroy crust d) create crust 13) Index fossils are a) slower, secondary, shake, solid only b) found over a wide area and existed for a short period of time c) divergent, convergent, transform d) one plate sinks under another forming a trench
31-40 (99 Facts)
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