picked up - On my last trip to Spain, I ... a few useful phrases., hit on - At first we couldn't decide how to celebrate the end of term, then we ... the idea of a fancy dress party., coming up with - John is always ... really good ideas., look down on - Alison thinks her friends ... her because she didn't go to university., got on with - When I was at school I liked my classmates, but I never really ... my teachers., bounce it off - Whenever I have a new idea, I like to ... my friends to see what they think., caught on - I didn't understand what he was saying at first, but then I ... ., reflected on - After the lecture, I sat on my own in the colledge library and ... the things I had learned., stood out - There were hundreds of people in the hall, but Olivia ... because of her bright orange hair., tuning out - The speech was long and boring, and after a while the audience started ... ., keeping up with - Everyone else in my class seems so clever - I have real problems ... them., leapt out at - I picked up a photo album, opened it to the first page and his picture just ... me., talk through - I've got a few ideas and I was wondering if I could ... them ... with you. , looking for - Where have you been? I've been ... you all morning., took up - When he first ... acting, he was already over fifty., fit in - I made an effort to ... but the others were younger than me and we had very little in common.,
Gateway B2+ (Unit 3 Vocabulary)
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11 класс
Gateway B2
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