Equal Opportunities - Outlines their commitment to fair treatment of all employees, regardless of: Age, Sex, Race, Gender Reassignment, Disability, Pregnancy, Marital Status and Religion or Beliefs., Flexible Working - Describes a type of working arrangement which gives a degree of flexibility on how long, where, when and at what times employees work., Training and Development - Sets out our approach to prioritising and planning staff development, in order to improve our performance., Code of conduct - Describes the standards of conduct, behaviour and attitude that the public and people who use services should expect., Internet and email - Sets out practices and restrictions regarding the use of company technology, Drug and Alcohol - Explain the responsibilities and principle behind the organisations approach to managing the misuse of drugs, alcohol and other substances by employees, Social media - Explains how employees should use social media and sets out the standards of behaviour expected., Sickness and leave of absence - Sets out the rules and procedures for managing, recording and reporting an employee's absence from work due to ill health, Bullying and Harassment - Covers harassment or bullying which occurs both in and out of the workplace, such as on business trips or at events or work-related social.,
Employment Policies and Procedures
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