conserve - use something carefully so it is not wasted, essential - extremely important and necessary, protect - to keep something safe from being harmed or lost, resource - any material a country has that is supplied by nature, represent - to act, speak, or stand for something or someone, society - a group of people who live together in an organized community, frantically - doing something quickly in a fearful or worried manner, provisions - food, water, and other things people need, scarce - something that is not plentiful or easily available, reservoirs - artificial lakes made to collect and hold water for use, surface - the outer part or layer of something, skillfully - doing something cleverly or with skill, discovered - found, finally - something that has eventually happened or after some time has passed , environment - the air, water, and land in which people, animals, and plants live, average - a number that represents a group of numbers, unique - one of a kind, percent - a part of a whole,
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