Character - a person portraying or playing a role in a story, protagonist - the main character, the major figure, or the proponent character that usually faces and solves the important obstacles or challenges in the story, antagonist - the character, who opposes and interferes or counteracts therefore, is hostile in the story, Setting - the time, place, condition or circumstance of the surroundings in the events of the story, Atmosphere - the mood or state mind of the characters and also the condition of the setting, Plot - the sequence or arrangement of events or happenings in the story from beginning to end, Point of View - the person telling the story which may be first, third person , Theme - the subject or topic or concern or issue in the story, Moral Values - the life's lesson of the story that the readers may find inspiration and guide for their own lives , Characterization - the interaction of a person to another person in the story. This is also shows the nature and character or personality of the person in the story., Dialogue - the conversation, chat, or talk like argument or persuasion, or exchange of words between characters in the story, Indirect Characterization - also called implicit is when the character's traits are shown by other character's descriptions of this character., Direct character - also called explicit is when the character's traits are revealed through his/her own thoughts and speech and actions to him/herself and others in the story.,
Elements of a Story or Narrative
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