Name three things you are grateful for., What is something you learned from counseling this year?, What is something you are excited about?, How many types of cognitive distortions (thinking errors) can you name?, Reframe this thought: "I will never be able to finish this on time.", At the last minute, your friend tells you that he isn't going to hang out with you this weekend. How can you respond to him with an I-message?, Name the steps for social problem solving. (Hint: CHARGE), What coping skills work best to calm you down?, Who can you talk to if you are feeling anxious?, Draw the CBT triangle., What was your favorite thing about school this year?, What makes you most excited about your new school?, Tell me about your summer plans!, Set a goal: what is one thing you want to improve on?, Do you think this was a successful school year? Why or why not?, Your teacher asks you to form groups of four during science class. You walk up to your friend and a few other students and ask if you can be part of their group. One of them says, "Sorry, we already have four." What should you do? (use CHARGE steps), Alex has been your best friend for 3 years. You just learned that he will be moving three states away next month. Identify what you can control in this situation and what you can't control. How should you respond?, You are working on a math problem in class and you ask your friend for help. She says, "Dude, the teacher just explained that?" What should you do? (use CHARGE) , Tell me one thing you think I did well as your counselor and one thing I can do better. .
Counseling Wrap-Up
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