terrible service - bad service, packed cafes and shops - overcrowded place, to sit on the terrace - eat outside the cafe, a vegetarian menu - menu for specific needs (gluten-free, no meat), a fish place - restaurant, which serves dishes with fish, a new Indian place - Indian cuisine, to suit everyone - the place, which fits the majority of customers, a decent place - socially acceptable or good cafe or restaurant, to be good value - the best prices, a nice set menu at lunch - well-balanced menu for lunch, to fancy eating spicy food - people who like chilly and hot food, to have outdoor heaters - feel warm on the terrace, because of heating gadgets, to be top quality - high standards of quality, delicious food - really tasty food, to wait ages to be served - wait for you order for a long time, to get the order wrong - waiter made a mistake in taking the order, to be allergic to seafood - be intolerant to specific products, plenty of choice - great variety of food, to book in advance - to calll to the restaurant and choose the table beforehand , to put up the prices - to make the prices high,
Roadmap B1+, Eating out, Unit 1A
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