Galaxy - one of the independent groups of stars in the universe, The Milky Way - the very large group of stars that contains the solar system (= the sun and all the planets, including Earth, that go around it), Axis - an imaginary line that goes through the earth between the North Pole and the South Pole, Yellow dwarf - a star of medium size, weighing between 0.7 and 1 times the solar mass and have a surface temperature of about 6000 ° C and shine a bright yellow, almost white, The Moon - the round object that moves in the sky around the Earth and can be seen at night, Moons - similar round objects that moves around another planet, Satellite - a device sent up into space to travel around the earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television, etc., Cluster of stars - a group of stars that share a common origin and are gravitationally bound for some length of time, Orbit - the curved path through which objects in space move around a planet or star that has gravity (= a pulling force), Solar/lunar eclipse - an occasion when the sun disappears from view, either completely or partly, while the moon is moving between it and the earth, or when the moon becomes darker while the shadow of the earth moves over it, Asteroid belt - a region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our Solar System are found orbiting the Sun, UFO - an object seen in the sky that is thought to be a spacecraft from another planet, Alien - relating to creatures from another planet, Asteroid - an object like a very large rock that goes around the sun like a planet,
Space Vocabulary
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