as stubborn as a mule, a wolf in sheep's clothing, flog a dead horse, have kittens, let sleeping dogs lie, like water off the duck's back, put the cat among the pigeons, take the bull by the horns, have a bee in one's bonnet, at a snail's path, busy as a bee, open a can of worms, wild goose chase, the world is your oyster, watching like a hawk, dog eat dog, eagle eyes, get your ducks in a row, guinea pig, hold your horses, I'll be a monkey's uncle, pet peeve, pick of the litter, puppy love, like shooting fish in a barrel, a little birdie told me, bull in a china shop, butterflies in the stomach, all bark and no bite, which came first, a chicken or an egg?, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, leopard can't change its spots, like bear with a sore head, when pigs fly, be caught like a rabbit in the headlights , as blind as a bat, as sly as a fox, as thick as a rhino, as bald as a coot , as hungry as a wolf.
Expert. C2. Unit 3. Idioms.
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