Something you want to be given, A present you were given on New Year's day, The singer or band which will never be listened by you, Clothes that are never worn by you, 3 things that can't be done alone, Something that is done by you every weekend, Something that should be changed in your city, A movie that has to be seen by everyone, The last party you were invited to, Laws that mustn't be broken, A new series / movie that has been released recently, Something that should have been done a few days ago, Languages that must be learnt by everyone, Dishes that must be tried by everyone, Top-5 places in Ukraine that must be visited by foreign tourists, Something you like being given, Someone who is loved and respected by everyone, Something that can't be bought, A new rule / law that will be introduced in the near future, Things that are not used anymore but you think they were great, Something that is drunk by you every morning, Food that can be cooked perfectly well by you, The book you were advised to read, The number of people that are followed by you on Instagram, Something you can't stand being told.
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