What is your favorite color? , If you could be any animal, what would you be, and why? , Have you ever binged a show, and if so, what was the last one? , What is your favorite subject in school, and why?, Would you rather be an excellent singer, dancer, or magician? Why?, How long have you been a student with CCA?, Would you rather: Do homework, or do chores around the house? , Quick: Tell us a joke! , What is one thing you wish you knew how to do? , What is the best type of pizza?, Do you believe that aliens exist? , Do you speak any other languages? Which ones? , If you could time travel, where would you go, and who/what would you see?, What are three words you would use to describe yourself? , If you could own any animal as a pet, what would you choose?, Do you have any siblings? How many, and are they older or younger? , Recommendation: What is a book/story/poem that you have read and would recommend to others? , What is your least favorite class? Why? , Think Outside of the Box: What is something BORING about you? , Quick: Tell us a random fact that you know. .
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