Opening: Dear Anne,, Hello Robert,, Hi,, Hi Tom,, Finishing your email: Best wishes,, Lots of love,, Love,, See you soon,, Take care,, Bye for now, , With love, , All the best, , Yours,, Answering questions: In your email you asked me about..., I'll be happy to answer your questions., I'm always happy to anwer your questions., I'm always ready to answer your questions., Of course it's no problem at all to answer your questions., Saying thank you and expressing your emotions.: Thanks a lot for your email., It's good/lovely/great to hear from you., Thank you so much for writing., I'm sorry I haven't written for so long, but.., Many thanks for your email., I hope you're OK., I hope you're well., Starting your ideas: Personally,, Well,, Actually,, You know,, Of course,, Also, , That's why,, So,, Closing: That's all for now. I can't wait to hear from you again., Well, that's all for now. Hope to hear from you again., I hope that what I've written will be of some help. Email me soon., Please write back soon., Write back soon. / Write soon., Email soon. / Email me when you can., Write to me again soon./Write again soon.,
Informal writing - email OGE
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