You are about to teach a science lesson on the parts of a plant. What would be a good content objective for this topic?, Is the following a content or language objective? “Students will be able to identify the main characters of the story.”, Describe the importance of considering student Funds of Knowledge in the classroom., What are some techniques for academic vocabulary instruction?, Explain one technique for making speech appropriate for students’ proficiency levels., Why are supplementary materials so important for lesson with English Learners?, What is the difference between content and language objectives?, What are some techniques that can be used to connect to EL students prior content knowledge?, Describe one way you have recently made content comprehensible for your students., You are teaching a lesson on addition and subtraction of two and three digits without regrouping. What would be a good language objective for this lesson?, Is the following a content or language objective? “Students will label the atomic symbol and number for the first 25 elements on a blank periodic table.”, What are some factors that effect second language acquisition?.
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