To play the taboo game you have to describe an item on the card without naming it or using the forbidden words. - For each forbidden word that you do not use you earn one point., ankle - taboo words: foot, joint, sprain, arm - taboo words: part, muscle, elbow, limb - taboo words: arm, leg, elbow, bone - taboo words: skeleton, white, calcium, calf - taboo words: leg, muscle, dairy, chest - taboo words: torso, lungs, heart, finger - taboo words: digit, palm, nail, forehead - taboo words: brow, head, wrinkle, thigh - taboo words: leg, hamstring, muscle, thumb - taboo words: digit, like, big, bruise - taboo words: injury, dark, blue, black eye - taboo words: eye, hit, face, disabled - taboo words: person, handicap, limit, dislocation - taboo words: joint injury, popped out, displaced, injury - taboo words: harm, damage, trauma, prosthetic - taboo words: artificial limb, amputee, replacement, swollen - taboo words: enlarged, puffy, inflamed, sting - taboo words: bite, bee, insect, deaf - taboo words: hearing, mute, sign language, blind - taboo words: sight, vision, glasses, wheelchair - taboo words: walk, chair, move, unconscious - taboo words: passed out, state, conscious, contagious - taboo words: infectious, illness, contact, condition - taboo words: illness, state, disease, fever - taboo words: hot, illness, sweating, flu - taboo words: influenza, sickness, virus, malaria - taboo words: mosquito, fever, tropical disease, indigestion - taboo words: food, stomach, sick, nosebleed - taboo words: blood, out, nose, sore throat - taboo words: throat, pain, voice, diet - taboo words: food, weight, eat, cure - taboo words: treatment, medicine, solution, eye drops - taboo words: dry, water, hay fever, first aid - taboo words: emergency, ice, plaster, injection - taboo words: needle, medicine, vaccine, operation - taboo words: surgery, doctor, cut, nurse - taboo words: doctor, medical, care, surgeon - taboo words: doctor, surgery, I am,
Get Well (Focus Unit 6) taboo game
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