What is working well in your classes?, What is your biggest challenge?, What is your favorite tech tool?, How do you get your students to participate?, How do you check in with your students’ social / emotional well-being?, What is your favorite thing about teaching?, What do you like best about your job?, How do you motivate your students? , When you have a teaching question, where do you get help?, How are you handling assessments?, What is the #1 pitfall you recommend avoiding?, What is your #1 tip for success?, What parts of your class have to be in person? Why?, What parts of your class work better online? Why?, How has the pandemic caused you to rethink teaching?, What is the benefit students get from coming to class in person? Challenges?, What is the benefits students get from attending class online? Challenges?, What technology challenges have you / your students faced?, When you think about your teaching right now, what makes you smile?, What is the least favorite past of your job?, What is your most burning question about teaching right now?, What is a success story you can share?.
Teaching during COVID-19
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