Lesson Preparation - Lesson has content and language objectives that are clearly defined, displayed, and orally reviewed with students., Building Background - Teachers help students connect new concepts with their personal and cultural experiences and past learning., Comprehensible Input - Teachers explain the academic tasks they expect students to perform, orally and in writing, with demonstrations, modeling, and sample products as needed., Strategies - Student learning strategies, teacher-scaffolded instruction, and higher-order thinking skills., Interaction - Students learn both conversational and academic language through interaction with one another and with their teachers., Practice & Application - Variety of activities that encourage students to apply both the content and language skills they are learning through hands-on materials, group assignments, partner work, projects, and so forth., Lesson Delivery - During a lesson, teachers use tasks, activities and teaching practices to support the content and language objectives., Review & Assessment - Teachers make time for review and assessment throughout a lesson.,
SIOP Components 1
Higher Education
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