box and whisker plot - Data organized by creating a box on a number line, mean - Given data, the sum of values divided by the total number of values, maximum - Given data, the largest number, lower quartile - The middle of the lower half of a set of organized data, dot plot - Data organized on a number line by plotting the frequency using dots, interquartile range - The difference between the upper quartile and lower quartile, range - Given data, the difference between the largest and the smallest value, minimum - Given data, the smallest number, histogram - A visual diagram of data using bars (rectangles) to display the frequency, median - The middle value in an organized set of data, mean absolute deviation - The average distance between each given value and the mean, frequency table - Data organized in a table that shows the frequency using tally marks, data - The collection of information gathered, upper quartile - The middle of the upper half of a set of organized data, tally marks - A quick technique to count numbers in groups of five, statistical question - A question that anticipates variability and accounts for it in the answers, center - A value that summarizes all of the data using a single digit, symmetrical - When the data values could be split in the middle or look like mirror images, skewed left - most of the data are on the left side of the peak, skewed right - most of the data are on the right side of the peak,
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