1) Вона викладає англійську 9-річкам a) She teaches English to 9-year olds b) She teaches English to 9-year's olds c) She teaches English to 9-years old d) to 9-year's old 2) 3 млрд гривень a) 3 billions hryvnas b) 3 billion hryvnas c) 3 billions of hryvnas d) 3 billions' hryvnas 3) мільярди гривень a) billions hryvnas b) billions' hryvnas c) billion hryvnas d) billions of hryvnas 4) 1 млрд гривень a) a billions hryvnas b) a billion of hryvnas c) a billion hryvnas d) billion of hryvna 5) десятки тисяч цивільних a) ten thousands of civilians b) tens of thousands of civilians c) ten of thousand civilians d) ten thousand civilians 6) У 1991 році a) in 1991 b) in 1991 year c) in 1991st d) in 1991 years 7) 1991-ша заявка була розглянута a) the 1991st application  b) the 1991 application c) 1991st application d) 1991 application 8) У 70-х роках a) in 70s b) in 70th c) in the 70s d) in the 70th 9) У 21 столітті a) in the 21-st century b) in 21-st century c) in the 21 century d) in 21 century 10) 100-річний дуб a) 100-year's-old oak-tree b) 100-year-olds oak-tree c) 100-years-old's oak-tree d) 100-year-old oak-tree 11) He is my son. He is only ..... . a) 6-year-old b) 6 years old. c) 6-years old. d) 6 year old. 

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