wobbly - My knees feel all ___, correlation - The value of domestic standard must be determined in ___ to the world analogues., glimpse - It's a ___ of the future in light of the past., emerging - The latter also highlighted ___ trends and priorities for action., a two-way street - I guess I just forgot that a relationship is ___., insulated - These buildings have very well ___ windows., bring to the table - Think about what you ___ and don't be shy about it., give it a whirl - I've got no idea, but it's got tequila and a cool name, so I thought I'd ___, aspiration - He encouraged everyone to go to the Maidan and defend their ___ to live in a modern European country., in the line of fire - As always, hospital boards are ___., teach a man to fish - If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day; If you ___ , he eats for a lifetime., unsolicited - Don't offer them ___ advice., sage - I wish I could offer some ___ advice on how to deal with it., nurture - We are trying to ___ a sense of connection and loyalty., boost - In addition, the authorities need to ___ confidence in the banking system., genuine - There are enough ___ things to be concerned about., rapport - Your sister has a close ___ with the princess., irrespective - Long-term continuous therapy should be avoided in all patients ___ of age.,
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