WEP - Was the first wireless security standard that used RC4 encryption, WPA - WiFi standard that replaced WEP that uses TKIP encryption with RC4, WPA2 - WiFi standard that uses CCMP encryption with AES, WPA3 - WiFi standard that uses GCMP encryption with AES, Temporal Key Integrity Protocol - TKIP, Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protoco - CCMP, Advanced Encryption Standard - AES, Galois/Counter Mode Protocol - GCMP, Simultaneous Authentication of Equals ( - SAE, Pre-shared Key - PSK, TKIP - Encryption protocol used with WPA, CCMP - Encryption protocol used with WPA2, GCMP - Encryption protocol used with WPA3, AES - Stronger and more efficient encryption that is widely supported for all wireless network security., SAE - Is a secure key establishment protocol that provides stronger defenses against password guessing., AAA protocols - authentication, authorization, and accounting, Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service - RADIUS, RADIUS - Protocol that enables a single server to become responsible for all remote-access authentication, authorization, and auditing (or accounting) services, Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System - TACACS, TACACS+ - Security application that provides centralized validation of users attempting to gain access to a router or network access server., Kerberos - Network authentication protocol that is trusted by the system only needs to authenticates once no need to re-authenticate.,
CompTia A+ 1102 - Wireless Security and Authentication Methods
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