custody - guardianship, annual - yearly, rely on - depend on, attend - participate, mandatory - obligatory, determination - resilience, bargain - good deal, CEO - chief executive officer, HR - human resources, approach - technique, chef - main cook, chief - boss, financially - moneywise, spouse - married partner, have an off day - not usual, budget - financial plan, entrepreneur - businessman, enormous - huge, indicate - show, exhausted - tired, cheerful - happy, ferry - taxi boat, unlike - different that, goods - merchandise, grateful - yhankful, response - answer, inconvenience - trouble, consistent - regular, outfit - clothes combo, lifeguard - rescuer, peel - skin removal, curfew - time limit, be in charge - be responsible, bully - oppressor, hardly ever - almost never, grate - shred, orange rind - orange skin, tantrum - anger attack, even though - although, occur - happen, recruit - enlist, predictable - easy to guess, screwdriver - tool, willpower - strong will, shift - change, stingy - not sharing, generous - sharing, sketch - plan, rough draft - not final version, sweat - perspire, strategy - plan, ban - block, prohibit, run errands - go out to do or buy something, do chores - do housekeeping, minor - under the age of 18, upset - angry, harvest - crops collecting, indulge - enjoy the pleasure of, refuel - get more energy, decompress - release stress, vary - be different, spoiled - having all you want, intrigued - interested, priority - first concern, keep track of something - watch, risilient - determined, environment - surrounding, emancipate - become independent, recipe - cooking instructions, receipt - bill, apron - protective garment, whisk - whip, pour - strem, slightly - a little bit, access - entry,
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