Allah - Arabic word for God, assurance - a promise, copper beach - a large tree that can live for several hundred years and grow to a height of over feet, emblem - a symbol, immense - extremely large, indifferent - uncaring, Joha - a character in Palestinian folktales who is know for playing tricks, figurative language - words or phrases that mean more than their dictionary definition: similes and metaphors are two examples of figurative language, metaphor - a figure of speech in which words typically used to describe one thing are used to describe something else in order to suggest a likeness, simile - a comparison of two different things using the words like or as, rue - to feel sorry about or regret, rhyme - words that end in the same sound or sounds, rhyme scheme - the pattern of repeated rhyming words in a poem, cautious - careful, convenient - nearby or easy to find, dew - drops of water that form overnight, oar - a long , thin, usually wooden pole with a blade at one end, used to row or steer a boat, plash - a splash, seam - the place where two things connect, quatrain - a four line stanza, slant rhyme - when two words share the same final consonant sound (example--crumb and home),

Unit 3 Poetry Lessons 4, 5, and 6 Vocabulary


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