bake - cook, covered or uncovered with dry heat in an enclosed area such as an oven, beat - stir rapidly in a lifting motion with a spoon or a mixed, adding air for lightness, blend - mix thoroughly, boil - cook liquid at a temperature that makes bubbles constantly break on the surface 212' F, brown - cook meat until it is brown in color, fry - cook in fat, pan frying/saute - cook in just enough fat to keep food from sticking, deep frying - cook in enough fat to cover the food, garnish - decorate, grate - rub against the sharp teeth of a grater to produce tiny shreds (cheese/carrots), grease - rub with fat or oil, mince - cut or chop into very small pieces, pare (peel) - to finely shave away the skin of fruits and vegetables, roast - cook meat uncovered with dry heat in an oven (low and slow), sift - to incorporate air into flour and remove lumps for a lighter, fluffier outcome along with equally distributing dry ingredients, stir - use a spoon in a gentle, large circular motion to mix or keep from sticking, whip - beat with a mixer or whisk to incorporate air and increase the volume, or as is the case with cream or egg whites, make into a fluffy solid,
Global Gourmet 1 (Food Terms)
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