Articles of Confederation - What was the first constitution of the US that did not work?, New equal States with No Slaves - What is the significance of the Northwest Ordinance?, Farmers hate taxes - What made farmers rebel in Shays Rebellion and Whiskey Rebellion?, 1787 - In what year was the US Constitution written?, 3/5th Compromise - What compromise dealt with how much we count slaves?, Great Compromise - What compromise created the Legislative Branch?, Federalism - Which constitutional principle divides power between national and state governments, Limited Government - Which constitutional principle states all people, including the government, must follow laws?, Individual Rights - Which constitutional principle includes the Bill of Rights?, Popular Sovereignty - Which constitutional principle states people have the power over government?, Republicanism - Which constitutional principle explains that people elect representatives?, Checks and Balances - Which constitutional principle allows one branch to limit the power of another, example veto?, Separation of Powers - Which constitutional principle states we have three branches, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial?, Federalists - What group wanted to ratify the Constitution?, Anti-federalists - What group demanded a Bill of Rights be added?, Religion, Assemble, Petition, Press and Speech - What are your 1st Amendment rights?, No illegal Search and Seizure - What is the significance of the 4th Amendment?, No cruel and unusual punishment - What is the significance of the 8th Amendment?, 2/3rd Congress + 3/4th States = Amend - How do we amend the Constitution?, 10th Amendment - Which of the Bill of Rights is known as the Federalism Amendment?,
2 Minute Drill - Constitution
8th Grade
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