se siente - she feels, nos ponemos - we put on, me quito - I take off, se despierta - he wakes up, te arreglas - you (inf) fix (your hair), se maquillan - they put on makeup, se llevan - they get along, me quedo - I stay, nos alistamos - we get ready, te duchas - you (inf) take a shower, se desliza - she slides, se visten - you (all) get dressed, se cepilla - she brushes (her hair), me lavo - I wash (my hands, etc.), se pintan - they paint (their nails), nos portamos - we behave, te acuestas - you go to bed, me divierto - I have fun, se cortan - you (all) cut (your nails), se columpia - he swings, nos levantamos - we get up, me siento - I feel, se enoja - he gets angry, se casan - they get married, te alegras - you become happy, nos escondemos - we hide (ourselves), me seco - I dry (my hair), se afeita - he shaves, nos llamamos - our names are... (we call ourselves), se bañan - they bathe,
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