Code - The language that tells the computer what to do, Sequence - The order in which steps or events happen, Actor - Tynker characters and objects that can talk and interact with each other, Stage - The background of the project, where you can see a live feed from your camera and where the Actors are placed, Command - A specific action or instruction that tells the computer to do something, Loop - An action that repeats one or more commands over and over, Counting Loop - A loop that repeats one or more commands a specific number of times, Infinite Loop - A loop that repeats forever and does not end until the program stops, Pattern - Something that repeats, Condition - A logical expression that evaluates to true or false, Conditional Statement - A type of statement that executes different parts of the code based on whether a logical expression evaluates to true or false,

4.6 Coding Vocabulary


Stile di visualizzazione


Cambia modello

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