A: It's blowing a ____ out there! B: I know – and it's ____ too! A: Did you know it was going to be like this? B: Well, I did read that it can be ____ chilly. A: Ha! I think I'm going to have to buy a jumper or something, though. I'm totally ____ for it. B: It ____ to be ____ in a couple of days' time. A: I'm not sure I can wait that long. I might ____ before then. A: And now it's over to Thomas at the weather desk. B: Thanks, Alan. So, as we ____ in to the weekend, the hot weather ____ continue with temperatures reaching 40 degrees in some areas. However, ____ skies also mean it's going to be very ____ – humidity up to 70% – and we may well see ____ showers and the odd thunderstorm. Although that will be welcome relief to farmers and gardeners who have been suffering the ____ of the last couple of months, they will also bring a risk of sudden ____ and the Met office has in fact issued a ____ in areas of the south-west, so beware if you're considering travelling there. Finally, looking forward to the start of next week, temperatures should ____ a little with a cooler ____ moving in from the north. And with that it's back to you, Alan. A: I think we should maybe go back. It's getting ____. B: It'll be fine. I'm sure it'll ____ soon and ____ up. A: Seriously? Look at it and I'm sure it's starting to ____ with rain. B: Come on! Stop moaning! We're in the mountains, getting some fresh air, exercise. A: But it's ____. I mean, if I am going to drag myself up a mountain I at least want to see something and not get completely ____ in the process. B: Sheesh! We're also supposed to be enjoying the ____ together – but I can see that's not going to happen. A: So we're going back? B: Look! The sun's coming through over there. A: I think ____ things. That's what the fog does to you. B: Ha ha! A: It's a ____ day! B: Lovely. Bit ____ for this time of year, though. A: Hey, I'm not complaining. It's just nice to see the sun instead of all that ____. B: I know. So what are you up to over the weekend? A: Well, ____, we're going to have a barbecue on Saturday. B: Really? Is it going to ____ like this then? A: Apparently. B: Wow. OK. A: I mean, they said that there might be a bit of a ____ in the morning but it could get up to 20 or 22 in the afternoon. So, what about you? Do you have any plans? B: I____ to be visiting a friend, but to be honest, I'm so ____ with work, I might need the time to catch up. A: Well, if you need a break from the computer, come and join us. B: Oh, right. Yeah. Sure. I'll bear that in mind. Thanks.
Roadmap B2+ Unit 3A weather, listening vocab
Roadmap B2 Plus
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